An Aspiring Vegetarian Takes The First Step

I’ve gone back and forth between being a vegetarian and an omnivore, with the longest stretch of vegetarianism being about 2 years. One thing I’ve noticed in the past five or six years is that when I eat meat, it’s really only because people around me are eating it/serving it to me. Also, whomever I happen to be dating at any given time usually happens to eat a lot of it, too. I’m not really one of those people who NEEDS to eat meat, and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything if I don’t eat it. So I’ve decided that instead of doing that whole “well it’s being served, so I guess I’ll eat it” excuse, I’m going to give it my 100% this time around!

I also have other reasons why I no longer want to eat meat, such as it doesn’t make me feel good inside. In any way. The way it makes my stomach feel is just horrible; I feel lethargic and bloated when I eat meat. The way it makes my mind and heart feel when I stop pushing the thought out of my mind that the meat most of us eat is filled with disgusting crap and the animals are basically tortured, is just horrible. I don’t feel as though I have enough knowledge or willpower to become vegan any time in the near future, but I do know that I can at least keep meat off of my plate. I know that a lot of people, for some strange reason, get a little weird when they see that someone is deciding to no longer eat meat. I’ve never understood this, as what we all eat is our own personal choice. On that same note, I don’t like it when people are “preachy” and judgemental towards those who DO decide to eat meat.

So what is the point of me writing this in my recipe blog? Well, it’s my blog, and if I want to write about something… Well, gosh darn it, I will. 😉 Really though, it makes me feel more motivated to write it “out here” in the internet world, because it gives me a strange sense of accountability. Also, even though there are recipes in this blog that have meat in them, there will be no more recipes containing meat. Instead, I will be posting healthier recipes, and more recipes that are alternative versions of their meat-filled sisters. I’m not going to go back through old entries to edit things, because at that point in time, the recipe was what it was.

I’m pretty excited about this, because I’ve been very much into eating clean for a while… The addition of this makes me feel really good about what I’m going to be putting into my body, and gives me a lot of motivation in keeping with my fitness goals.

Well, that’s my thoughts for this evening. It’s late, and I have to be up at 5:00am. So goodnight for now, people on the internet!




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