CFIA: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

I have a slightly (okay, maybe more than slightly…) obsessive need to know about how fresh or safe the food is that I’m putting inside of my body, so I like to regularly check the food recall alerts on the CFIA website. Usually, there’s nothing that applies to products that I’ve purchased, however there was recently a recall of some T.Marzetti brand veggie dips. When I’m not up for making my own dips, this is usually the brand that I purchase. (Luckily, the flavours recalled are not ones that I had in the fridge.) The website will list any recalls, with full product information, and any other details necessary.

To keep an eye on different recalls that may happen from time to time, be sure to check the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website. (This is a direct link to the food recall alerts. Feel free to explore the other areas of the website for valuable information!)