Buttercream Filled Chocolates (Bailey’s, Lemon and Maple)

One piece of important knowledge about me by anyone who knows me, is that I LOVE chocolate. I don’t think I have ever tried a type of chocolate that I did not thoroughly enjoy. Considering I love to make things at home, I decided to get a few tools and ingredients to prepare my own buttercream filled chocolates at home. This was a messy adventure to say the least! However, it was quite fun and rewarding! 🙂

The three different buttercreams that I used to fill my chocolates were: Bailey’s, Lemon and Maple. The base ingredients for all three buttercreams are virtually the same, with a slight adjustment in amounts of icing sugar for each flavour. You can really put in any flavour you like, but I’ll share the buttercream flavours that I’ve used. My personal favourite is the maple buttercream, however I do recommend that you try any type of filling that you like. (At the bottom of this entry, I have included some pictures that show a few of the steps as I went along.)



  • 1/4 cup chilled unsalted butter
  • 1 cup sifted icing/powdered sugar
  • Dash (1 ml) vanilla extract
  • Flavours:
  1. 1-2 tbsp Bailey’s Irish Cream (amount depends on desired flavour intensity and texture of the buttercream) -OR-
  2. 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice -OR-
  3. 2 tbsp maple syrup -plus- 1 dash maple extract


  • In a bowl, allow the butter to soften for about 20 minutes. (This is a good time to work on the chocolate mold!)
  • Mix the icing/powdered sugar into the butter until blended and smooth. At this point, taste the mixture to determine whether or not you want more sugar added in. If you want more, add in 1/4 cup at a time.
  • Add the vanilla extract, and the desired flavour for the buttercream. Mix well.
  • Taste the buttercream again, and if a stronger flavour is desired, add more flavour. You may need to add about 1/4 cup more icing sugar if you add more flavour as you don’t want the buttercream to be too soft.
  • Place each filling into separate airtight containers, and place in the fridge to cool. You will need the buttercream to be somewhat solid prior to filling the chocolate mold.


You Will Need:

  • 1 plastic deep chocolate mold tray
  • 1 cup (approx.) Belgian (or any other flavour of chocolate) molding wafers (do NOT make these with bakers chocolate, or normal chocolate bars. It will not turn out properly, nor will the bakers chocolate have the proper taste.)

(Both of these can be purchased at the Bulk Barn if you have one close to home. The molds usually cost between $2 – $4 each, and the chocolate molding wafers range between $0.59 – $1.50 per 100 g. Each mold makes anywhere from 2 – 24 chocolates depending on the size of the individual pockets in the mold.)

  • 1 rubber spatula
  • 1 clean paintbrush

What To Do:

(Fast Method I use: Microwave, however you can also use a double broiler to melt the chocolate. If using a double broiler, click here to learn how to temper chocolate. With the microwave method, the chocolate will melt much faster than with a double broiler, so keep a close eye on it!)

Preparing the mold with chocolate:

  • In a heat proof bowl, melt 3/4 of a cup of the chocolate wafers in the microwave and set the other 1/4 cup aside. (Heat the chocolate for 1 minute. Remove, and stir with the spatula. Return to the microwave and heat for another 30 seconds. Remove, and stir again. If the chocolate is melted, remove from the microwave. If it is not melted, return for another 20 seconds, then remove and stir. DO NOT overheat the chocolate, as this will cause it to have a burnt flavour and pretty much make the chocolate garbage.)
  • As quickly as you can, pour the chocolate into the mold, covering the whole tray. Allow the chocolate to sit in the mold for about 1 minute, and then lift the tray and tip it so that most of the chocolate pours out back into the bowl. Place the tray back on the counter.
  • Use the spatula to scrape off any chocolate from the parts of the tray without the molds.
  • Dip the paintbrush into the melted chocolate bowl, and carefully use the paintbrush to paint chocolate on any areas of the mold that do not have a thick coating of chocolate.
  • Place the mold tray into the refrigerator, and allow to set for about 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes, check to see if there are any areas of the mold that do not have a thick coating of chocolate due to settling. If there are areas that need more chocolate, microwave the chocolate that is still in the bowl and use the paintbrush to apply more chocolate to the areas needing it.
  • Allow to set for another 20 minutes.

Filling The Chocolate Mold With Buttercream:

  • Remove the buttercream and the chocolate mold from the fridge, and set on the counter. Ensure that the chocolate mold is set. If it is not, return to the fridge for another 20 minutes.
  • When the chocolate is set, scoop out small pieces of the buttercream with a small spoon, and place into each chocolate mold. Flatten the buttercream so that it does not overflow each chocolate mold.
  • Return to the fridge for 3-5 minutes to set. (During this time, heat the remaining chocolate in the microwave in the same method mentioned above. Only heat the chocolate until it is just melted.)
  • Remove the mold tray from the fridge, and with the spatula, spread the melted chocolate over the top of the mold.
  • Allow the chocolate to sit for about 1 minute, then use the spatula to scrape off any of the chocolate that is on the tray outside of the molds.
  • Using the paintbrush, “touch up” any areas of each mold that may not be covered fully with chocolate.
  • Place in the fridge for about 10 minutes, then check to see if any of the filling has leaked through. If there are any spots where filling has leaked, or chocolate is too thin, simple re-heat some of the chocolate and use the paintbrush to paint on some more melted chocolate. Remember, this part is the bottom of the chocolate, so it doesn’t matter if it looks perfect!
  • Allow the mold tray to fully set in the fridge for about 30 minutes. When it is set, remove the tray from the fridge.
  • Use a clean cutting board lined with parchment or waxed paper, and tip the mold over with the open side on the cutting board. GENTLY tap and shake the mold, twisting it slightly, to release the chocolates from the tray. This may take a few minutes, but be patient otherwise you will break the chocolates!
  • Once all of the chocolates are released, place each chocolate in paper candy cups and package or serve as you please! 🙂


  1. Ensure that no water comes into contact with the mold tray, as this will hinder the setting of the chocolate.
  2. Do not clean your tray with soap, as the plastic will keep some of the oils from the soap and this taste will come through in your chocolate. (Ew!) To clean, simply use a dry paper towel to wipe off any remaining chocolate pieces.
  3. Do not allow any cracks to form on the mold. If cracks have formed, discard the tray and purchase a new one.
  4. Store the tray in a clean bag, away from any other foods that have odours, or from any areas that are high traffic in order to avoid any breakage.
  5. Try to use good quality chocolate, as this will enhance the taste of your candy!
  6. Try different fillings such as caramel, toffee, almonds, white chocolate, fruit preserves, dulce de leche, or anything else you can think of!
  7. Don’t be discouraged if your candies don’t come out the way you expected the first time! Practice makes perfect! 🙂

Chocolate mold, ready to set!

Chocolate mold, ready to set!

Buttercream filling in the mold.

Buttercream filling in the mold.

Released from the tray.

Released from the tray.

Finished product! :)

Finished product! 🙂

6 comments on “Buttercream Filled Chocolates (Bailey’s, Lemon and Maple)

  1. I’ve given this a try and they are beautiful!!!
    Just a question though, I left the finished product over night in the fridge on a plate and woke up the next morning to find they were sweating and really sticky.
    What is the best way to store them to avoid that?
    Thanks =))

    • Glad they turned out well! 🙂
      Hmm… For storage, what I’ve done in the past is kept them in an air-tight container, and placed a folded paper towel between the chocolates and the lid of the container. Or you could even lightly wrap them in paper towel, and then place in an air-tight container in the fridge. That should help keep the moisture off of the chocolates.

        • Hi Jackie,
          For any of the chocolate candies that I’ve made in the past, I have used the chocolate molding wafers (can be purchased at Bulk Barn, or other bulk food stores) which don’t really required tempering.
          Any time I’ve used them, I just melt the chocolate, and stir it up a little bit on the bowl. Luckily there’s no need to go through the whole process of melting, spreading, scraping, and repeating with these wafers, they’re brilliant!

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